700,000 … and the hits just keep on rolling

September 28, 2011. Barry Cauchon

700,000 hits and climbing!

Ed Isaacs has once again reminded me that this blog is supported by so many wonderful people. Last week, the visitor counter rolled over the 700,000 mark. Although my current workload had not allowed me to write very much over the last few months, you continue to visit and read the articles and interviews previously posted. Thank you for your continued support and interest in A Little Touch of History. It is been a pleasure bringing it to you.

By the way, if you have bought or rented a copy of The Conspirator, you can see Ed Isaacs talking about his great great grandfather, George E. Dixon and his diary, in the special features section of the DVD. Enjoy.

Edwin Isaacs holding the diary of his great great grandfather George E Dixon.



Published in: on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at '9:08 am'  Comments (2)  
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  1. Congrads on 700,000… well at this point soon to be 800,000! I am slowly working my way through your blog on history. My interest is in confirming some history around John Wilkes Booth and his crossing at Port Conway, VA. My husband and I are about to open Belle Grove (birthplace of James Madison and family property of his mother’s) at Port Conway hopefully around midsummer 2012. In my research, I know that John Wilkes Booth crossed using the ferry at Port Conway. What I need to know is the Secret Service that were chasing him separated around King George, but came back together at Belle Grove. In the book “Come Retribution” it states that they came to Belle Grove which was owned by Carolinus Turner. The owner I can confirm by my research, however, I was hoping to get more information on if they stayed the night there. In the book (what I can see on Googlebooks) says that it was afternoon when they arrived. But the preview ends there. I have the book on order, but was wondering if you might have any more information. I am aware of the history of John Wilkes Booth after he crossed into Port Royal. It would be great if I can add that the party camped in the yard if I can confirm it. Thanks for any help you or your readers may be able to give me.

    • Hi Michelle. Congratulations on your upcoming opening. In the realm of the Lincoln Assassination, my specialty is that of the Lincolon conspiracy (more specifically, the incarceration and punishments of the Lincoln conspirators). However, I have many friends who are avid “BOOTHIES” and I can direct you to a great website that will assist you with your question. It is run by Randal Berry and is called http://www.lincoln-assassination.com. When you go there, go to the Message Board and post your question. I guarantee you will get many great replies from some of the best Lincoln Assassination researchers in the country. They love sharing their knowledge. Many live in the area as well so their local knowledge and expertise is awesome. Tell Randal I say hi and I’ll see him in March!

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