SIGN UP NOW FOR OUR BOOK UPDATE MAILING LIST at outreach@awesometalks.com. Just put the word “BOOK” in the subject line and include your name and email address in the body. You’ll then be included in our next email update. Thank you. Barry.

The nooses of the Lincoln conspirators.

An image of the Lincoln conspirators' nooses taken from our upcoming book (title tbd).

November 26, 2009: Barry Cauchon

On a Saturday morning in September, 2009 I left a phone message for my future writing partner John Elliott to call me at my home. Upon his returned call, I explained that I had a proposition. John and I had been speaking and exchanging research for about 3 months prior to this call but were not working together at that time. My proposal was to combine our research and join forces to write a book together rather than just complete the one I had initially started a few months earlier. Each of our own areas of research could stand on their own and make good books independently. However, when combined, I felt that the final product would be so much more than the original concept. I was quite excited about the opportunity to do this merger and hoped John would feel the same way.

When John called back he immediately accepted the proposal and we have been working ever since to make our book a classic. From the start, our attitude has been to produce a book that we would be proud to have on our own bookshelves, but which doesn’t exist right now.

So far, our joint venture has proven itself to be ten-fold more than we imagined. So much so, that we’ve now attracted the interest of a prominent documentary maker to work with us in developing a proposal for a documentary. Hopefully we will have some good news to share with you on that subject very soon. But for now, it is safe to say that we are enjoying the research and our multiple projects and cannot wait to share the final results with you when appropriate.

If you are interested in being kept up-to-date about the book and documentary proposal, then please add your name and email address to our mailing list. To do so, just write to me at outreach@awesometalks.com, write BOOK in the subject line and include your name & email in the body. Your information will then be added to the list and you will receive updates as they are released.

IMPORTANT: Please be assured that I do not share my mailing lists with anyone and the sole purpose of this list is to keep you informed about these projects as per your request!!!!!





October 10, 2009: Barry Cauchon

Hi all: It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on my blog. Needless to say, it’s been an extremely busy summer and early fall for me. But I do have some interesting news for you.

First off, I want to give you an update on the progress of my book The Lincoln Conspirator Execution Photos: A Study in Detail. I have received lots of great compliments and encouragement from many of you regarding the book and I want to thank all of you for that. It drives me to continue to give you the best book I can create. For those of you who requested to be kept up-to-date on the progress of the book and be the first to know when the book will be released, I will be sending you an email shortly. If you are a newcomer and are interested in hearing more about the book and being a part of the mailing list, please write me at outreach@awesometalks.com and I will add you to the list.

IMPORTANT: Please be assured that I do not share my mailing lists with anyone and the sole purpose of this list is to keep you informed about the book as per your request!!!!!

And now I have a great announcement.

I’ve asked Mr. John E. Elliott (from San Antonio) to co-author the book with me.  John and I met through my blog and we both realized that we had a focused and tremendous interest in the history of the Washington Arsenal Penitentiary and in particular, what went on behind the walls during the conspirators’ trial and its aftermath. John’s research combined with my own forensic photo analysis, has created a perfect combination to make OUR book an excellent addition to anyone’s Lincoln Assassination library.

John and I are really excited about the merger and our joint project.  Our motivation is to make this book something that we would be proud to have on our own bookshelves and we know that you will feel the same.

For more information, please join my mailing list and I’ll fill you in with more details shortly.




The Lincoln Conspirators Execution Photos: A Study in Detail

The 15-chapter series on The Lincoln Conspirators Execution Photos: A Study in Detail is now completed and posted under the Pages section. To view, please click on the links below to view the chapters you wish to see.

Please be advised that the photographs and content, although historical, are graphic in detail and not intended for children.




UPDATED (Mar 12): The Lincoln Conspirators Execution Photos, A Study in Detail

March 12, 2009: Barry Cauchon



The 15 chapter serial presentation on The Lincoln Conspirator Execution Photos –  A Study in Detail is now completed. It is a detailed study of the ten Alexander Gardner photographs known to exist from the executions of the convicted Lincoln assassination conspirators. Each photograph was analzyed, with a focus on the details, to help bring the story of the event to life. Warning: The subject matter of this study is graphic and should not be viewed by young children.

I’m sure you will find this study fascinating as you view the photographs and the stories behind them.

The series is located under my ‘Pages’ section, and can be accessed there or through the links below.

Here is a breakdown of the chapters. Click on the links below to take you to the chapter you wish to view.

Best Barry



February 09, 2009: Barry Cauchon.

On February 6, 2009, while preparing chapters 7 & 8 for my series on “The Lincoln Conspirator Execution Photos – A Study in Detail” I made a discovery. It seemed that the accepted order of the ten photographs of the event taken by Alexander Gardner was incorrect. If my observations are right, the order of the photos need to be revised.

Here is what I found out.

The Empty Scaffold

The Empty Scaffold

#1 – The Empty Scaffold was the first photo taken in the series. No one debates this placement.


THE ORDER CONFLICT – The next three photographs are the images where the order is in dispute.

Arrival at Scaffold (1)

Arrival at Scaffold (1)

#2 – Arrival at Scaffold (1) was the second photo taken. In James L. Swanson and Daniel R. Weinberg’s book, “Lincoln’s Assassins: Their Trial and Execution”, this photo is incorrectly placed. It is shown as being 3rd.


Reading the Death Warrant

#3 – Reading the Death Warrant shown in the Swanson / Weinberg book is listed as 4th.


The Ministers Pray (historically known as “Arrival at Scaffold”)(2)

#4 – The Ministers Pray (historically called Arrival at Scaffold)(2) is shown in the Swanson / Weinberg book as the 2nd photo taken.

Before I continue I just want to say that I have great respect for the book “Lincoln’s Assassins: Their Trial and Execution”. It really is a wonderful book and I can’t recommend it enough. However, the flaw in the order of photos #2, 3 & 4  should be clarified.

When the Swanson / Weinberg book was first published in 2001, they would not have had on-line access to the Library of Congress photos that are available today. And because of those high-rez images, we are now able to zoom in and see the details that the authors and other researchers may not have been privy to.

You can see all of the detailed images from photographs 2, 3 & 4 in my series “The Lincoln Conspirator Execution Photos – A Study in Detail”, Chapters 7, 8 & 9.

But briefly, here is what I saw and discovered when I zoomed in on the details.

Photo #2: Arrival at Scaffold: The execution party has just arrived and the scaffold is now crowded with 25 people. Things to note: a) Only three of the four prisoners have been seated so far. David Herold was just beginning to sit when the photo was taken. b) Only one umbrella has been opened to shield everyone from the hot sun. c) Everyone in the photo has their hats (or head coverings) on to protect them from the sun. d) General Hartranft holds the Death Warrant in his hand and is preparing himself to read it. The soldiers and staff near him are almost in the exact same position as they will be in the next photograph.

Photo #3: Reading of the Death Warrant:  As per the numerous eyewitness reports from newspapers and individuals at the execution, the reading of the Death Warrant came next in the proceedings. a) All four prisoners are now seated. b) Four umbrellas are open. c) Everyone still has their hat or head coverings on (except for one minister who is holding an umbrella). He previously wore his hat in Photo #2.  d) General Hartranft now reads the Death Warrant with his staff and soldiers surrounding him.

Photos #4: The Ministers Pray:  After the Death Warrant was read, Rev. Dr. Abram Dunn Gillette (Lewis Powell’s minister) stepped forward to publicly thank General Hartranft and his staff (on behalf of Lewis Powell) for their kind treatment during his imprisonment. Gillette and then two other ministers prayed publicly out loud for their charges. Corporal Wm. Coxshall, the soldier who stood below the scaffold (front left) reported that ““Umbrellas were raised above the woman and Hartranft, who read the warrants and findings. Then the clergy took over, talking what seemed to me interminably… ” a) Powell and Herold have had their hats removed. Atzerodt has had his white kerchief (or nightcap) removed and placed on the railing. This could be because the ministers have asked everyone to pray. b) Rev. Dr. Abram Dunn Gillette kneels to pray by Lewis Powell’s side. Mary Surratt’s two priests attend to her (Father Walter holds a cross to her lips and Father Wiget prays from his prayer book).

Arrival at Scaffold. a
Arrival at Scaffold. a) Only three of the four prisoners have been seated so far. David Herold was just beginning to sit when the photo was taken. b) Only one umbrella has been opened to shield everyone from the hot sun. c) Everyone in the photo has their hats (or head coverings) on to protect them from the sun. d) General Hartranft holds the Death Warrant in his hand and is preparing himself to read it. The soldiers and staff near him are almost in the exact same position as they will be in the next photograph.
Reading the Death Warrant

Reading the Death Warrant. a) All four prisoners are now seated. b) Four umbrellas are open. c) Everyone still has their hat or head coverings on (except for one minister who is holding an umbrella). He previously wore his hat in Photo #2. d) General Hartranft now reads the Death Warrant with his staff and soldiers surrounding him. 

The Ministers Pray

The Ministers Pray. a) Powell and Herold have had their hats removed. Atzerodt has had his white kerchief (or nightcap) removed and placed on the railing. This could be because the ministers have asked everyone to pray. b) Rev. Abram Dunn Gillette kneels to pray by Lewis Powell’s side. Mary Surratt’s two priests attend to her (Father Walter holds a cross to her lips and Father Wiget prays from his prayer book).

To look at all of the details from these, and the other photos from this series, see Chapter 1 under this link.

https://awesometalks.wordpress.com/the-lincoln-conspirators-execution-photos-a-study-in-detail-chapter-1-introduction/BestBarryoutreach@awesometalks.com——————————————————————————————-If you are interested in reading interviews from several historians, scholars and performers, take a look at the links below.