August 26, 2013

by Barry Cauchon

Hi all: John Elliot and I have been research partners for four years. We’ve developed a great friendship and thoroughly enjoyed working together making discoveries and sharing them with you. Our main goal for partnering was to produce a book about the incarceration and punishments of the Lincoln conspirators called “Inside the Walls: The Final Days of the Lincoln Conspirators”. Due to heavy work schedules, for the most part, the book was just not getting done. So we have decided to make a change that will allow for the project to come to fruition. The following announcement will explain the details. John will post the same on his Facebook page “Inside the Walls”.

With warm regards



After several years of enjoying a successful research venture together, John and Barry have agreed to dissolve their partnership and pursue individual interests. Largely due to Barry’s work schedule, the goal of writing and publishing Inside the Walls: The Final Days of the Lincoln Conspirators became a difficult task to manage. 

After a short period of discussion, the two mutually agreed on a plan. Moving forward John will take complete ownership of the book Inside the Walls: The Final Days of the Lincoln Conspirators, writing it himself. Barry will concentrate on writing and publishing smaller independent supplements as time permits.

John will also take full ownership of the name Inside the Walls, the Facebook page and the website (currently under construction). 

John and Barry will continue to share their common interests, maintain their friendship, and look forward to ongoing associations with the research community, which has been so kind and welcoming. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to all of you for having supported our mutual endeavors. 

Kind Regards, 

Barry Cauchon & John Elliott

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. THANK YOU so much for all that you have accomplished and shared. Thanks to you guys, 2012 my visit to Washington, DC and discovery of the location of the conspirators hanging (tennis courts) was possible. What publications that have been completed are available for purchase? Diane Roberts

    • Hi Diane. Thank you for the kind words. John and I have published three supplements (24 page booklets) over the last three years. They are all under the titles of A Peek Inside the Walls and cover various topics.
      The 2011 (Maroon cover) features our discovery that the man in white on the conspirator’s scaffold, believed to be the executioner Christian Rath, was in fact, NOT the case.
      Our 2012 (Blue cover) supplement had three topics covered (13 days aboard the monitors: the early incarceration of the conspirators, the mug shot photo sessions and the truth about the hoods. Finally our most recent supplement is the 2013 version (Sepia cover) John Wilkes Booth’s Autopsy Photo.

      All three supplements can be purchased from The Surratt House Museum bookstore or if in a pinch, I can sell you them directly. Currently, we are very low on the 2012 supplement and will be going to a reprint soon. But we have an ample supply of the 2011 and 2013 versions. If interested, please contact me at Have a great day.

  2. That this book will be done is extremely exciting! My very best to you both.

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